When I was young and this song was well-known as many of the Beatles’ songs were, most people, as me, who lived in this era with the long hair, patched blue jeans and all too often smoking pot, we seemed to rebel against the war in Vietnam, police and all that the conservatives stood for. Why was it that we stood for peace and yet dressed ourselves in military uniforms? Not even I could answer that question and some things are better left unanswered. In my early twenties I had a change of heart by accepting Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior. Slowly, but surely like a potter with his hands on the wheel my life started to change. Everything that I rebelled against, now I slowly stood for. How ironic that in my late forties my life would change so immensely. My parents, whom at one time I did not listen to, now told me “you should go on a vacation and meet some nice Christian woman”. I heard them and could well afford it, but did not know where to go. The next Sunday at church the pastor said that “the walls of Russia have come down and that we are going to start a church there”. Well, this seemed like just the perfect vacation for me. After being raised in the military (my father was a lifer), I thought, that to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to who I was taught most of my life was the enemy, this was the vacation for me. I set my bar low, just to help as much as I could and pray.
Two years past by with a few Russian mission trips behind me and GOD opened the door to go back full time. I was more than intrigued and wanted to take this to prayer. This had to be one of the first time in my life, there was no need for prayer. I considered the many times the LORD had showed me and spoke to my heart about Russia, my authority at church and my parents both wanted me to go. So, I said “Yes, LORD, send me,” not thinking of losing a high paying job that I had worked at for many years and a home. Putting all my life behind me, I picked up two bags and left for the other side of the world. Within the first year in Belarus and Russia the LORD had open with total clarity “this is going to be your wife”. And as much as I thought it would be imposable, GOD is not a liar, and it came to pass.
After twenty years of trips with my wife to the churches in Belarus and Russia and coming home with many more stories than two bags can hold, It has been my pleasure to have this lady as my best friend, the woman that I love, my wife, a good mother and my sister in Christ Jesus.
Thank you, Natasha, for twenty-five years of blessings, in the good times and the bad. “I would surly die like a fly on the window sill without you”. GOD has blessed me with such a wife as you, you are my rib come home.
“Back in the USSR, you don’t know how lucky you are, boy. Back, back in the USSR.”